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New way to hold gold

How Does Monetary Metals Stack Up Against Other Precious Metals Investments?

You already know that owning precious metals makes sense. But you might only know about the conventional ways to hold them. Our free guide, The New Way to Hold Gold, reveals a new method - one that pays interest on your metal!

Growing your wealth is more challenging than ever before.

With the lowest interest rates in recorded history, the ongoing devaluation of our currencies, and growing US debt, decent investment options are becoming limited. 

Who wants to earn a paltry 0.5% interest in a savings account?

Or near 1% per year with a 10-year US Treasury bond?

No, thank you!

Gold and silver have proven themselves to be the assets to own during times of economic uncertainty. They can provide protection and security against a monetary system that seems bent on devaluing our currencies.

Our free guide, The New Way to Hold Gold, can help you evaluate the various methods of holding silver & gold, AND show you how to earn interest on your holdings. 


You Will Discover:

  • Which methods of holding silver & gold are right for you
  • The trade-offs in keeping your silver & gold at home
  • A way to store your metals - securely - with ZERO storage fees!
  • How to navigate an ETF prospectus so you can limit counterparty risk 
  • Which method offers the LEAST liquidity...and which delivers the MOST 
  • How to begin earning interest on your silver & gold in ounces, not dollars!
  • ...And much more!

Just enter your first name and your primary email address in the form above and click the button. We'll immediately send you the guide so you can begin to grow your gold & silver.